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Company name: Indoshopper
www.indoshopper.comYang paling diandalkan Grab cepat sampainya. Semoga jaringan diperbanyak ke daerah pelosok dan Tangerang dan bisa sampai di hari yang sama.
Company name: Ellunar Publisher
www.ellunarpublisher.comSetelah tahu EasyParcel, semua keluhan saya terjawab. Saya bisa atur tanggal penjemputan dan saya bisa input data dari jauh hari. Resi Langsung keluar saat itu juga.
Sistem bayarnya juga memudahkan sekali pakai top-up. Jadi lebih/kurang ongkir bisa dihindari apalagi saya bisa bulkupload 100 alamat pengiriman sekaligus dalam sekali upload dan hemat pengiriman. Dari awal saya nggak ragu untuk coba dan setelah coba, saya puas sekali dengan sistem yang otomatis, efektif, dan profesional.
Company name: Exabytes Indonesia senang menggunakan Easy Parcel karena harga tidak berbeda jauh dari jasa pengiriman lain, bahkan lebih murah. Setiap minggu kami menggunakan Easy Parcel. Barang juga cepat sampai. Tidak rugi menggunakan Easy Parcel. Sukses selalu.
Company name: Ageman
IG @agemankitaSolusi terpercaya untuk pengiriman paket ke seluruh Indonesia, pemesanan lewat website sangat mudah, kurir pick up datang sesuai dengan hari yang kita tentukan, pengiriman cepat dan harga yang bisa kita pilih sesuai budget kita, query pun dijawab dengan cepat plus dapet gift away tas cantik dari easy parcel, Thanks Easy Parcel, you'll makes my business easier...
Company name: Pusat Pemasangan Iklan / Segara Advertising
www.pusatpemasanganiklan.comCSnya sangat mendukung, ramah dan sabar. Selalu menjawab pertanyaan kami dan menyelesaikan kendala yang kami hadapi. EasyParcel sangat membantu dan menghemat waktu untuk mengirim paket ke konsumen kami secara tepat waktu.
Company name: Indonesia Global Network
Event.youtex.orgTerima Kasih telah memudahkan saya untuk pengiriman dengan online, biaya yang murah dan pelayanan cepat tanggap. Semoga semakin baik sistemnya, lebih banyak dikenal masyarakat dan terus memberikan pelayanan terbaiknya. Sukses ya.
Company name: Generation Y Trading is the first delivery platform service that I have ever come across. Great service is provided that can let us compare the shipping fee among the best courier company in Malaysia. EasyParcel has a great system that allows us to easily keep track the shipped parcel and for us to monitor each customer's parcel. Besides by giving promotion regularly to the customers has saved us a lot of our delivery cost.
Company name:
www.vitamart.myEasy Parcel is a great service which allows me to compare shipping costs among a few shipping providers, order directly on their website and easily keep track of the shipments. What I like most about is their great customer service personnel who would attend immediately to my problems I was facing.
Company name:
www.mtechtrans.comGreat value for money and utmost convenience and time saver. No time wasted at counters. Excellent customer service.
Company name: GALADO is made possible with the availability of online delivery platform like EasyParcel. This is the first ever courier portal that enables part time online seller like us to manage deliveries from anywhere. EasyParcel provides really affordable delivery rate to all merchants even for those with low volume. Online booking and door to door service is so convenient. So far we're very satisfied with EasyParcel and is waiting for international launch so we could expand our business across Malaysia.
Company name: Genoss Enterprise have been using EasyParcel around 3 months. Sofar I'm quite satisfied with the services provided by EasyParcel. This helps me to save time and to send out parcel to my customer on time.
Company name: Kpop Heaven support team are very friendly and patient. They always help to answer my questions and solve my problems. Besides, this company is continuously improving to provide better service to customers. This makes me have a high expectation on EasyParcel.
Company name: Exabytes Indonesia senang menggunakan Easy Parcel karena harga tidak berbeda jauh dari jasa pengiriman lain, bahkan lebih murah. Setiap minggu kami menggunakan Easy Parcel. Barang juga cepat sampai. Tidak rugi menggunakan Easy Parcel. Sukses selalu.
Company name: Ageman
IG @agemankitaSolusi terpercaya untuk pengiriman paket ke seluruh Indonesia, pemesanan lewat website sangat mudah, kurir pick up datang sesuai dengan hari yang kita tentukan, pengiriman cepat dan harga yang bisa kita pilih sesuai budget kita, query pun dijawab dengan cepat plus dapet gift away tas cantik dari easy parcel, Thanks Easy Parcel, you'll makes my business easier...
Company name: Pusat Pemasangan Iklan / Segara Advertising
www.pusatpemasanganiklan.comCSnya sangat mendukung, ramah dan sabar. Selalu menjawab pertanyaan kami dan menyelesaikan kendala yang kami hadapi. EasyParcel sangat membantu dan menghemat waktu untuk mengirim paket ke konsumen kami secara tepat waktu.
Company name: Indonesia Global Network
Event.youtex.orgTerima Kasih telah memudahkan saya untuk pengiriman dengan online, biaya yang murah dan pelayanan cepat tanggap. Semoga semakin baik sistemnya, lebih banyak dikenal masyarakat dan terus memberikan pelayanan terbaiknya. Sukses ya.
Company name: Generation Y Trading is the first delivery platform service that I have ever come across. Great service is provided that can let us compare the shipping fee among the best courier company in Malaysia. EasyParcel has a great system that allows us to easily keep track the shipped parcel and for us to monitor each customer's parcel. Besides by giving promotion regularly to the customers has saved us a lot of our delivery cost.
Company name:
www.vitamart.myEasy Parcel is a great service which allows me to compare shipping costs among a few shipping providers, order directly on their website and easily keep track of the shipments. What I like most about is their great customer service personnel who would attend immediately to my problems I was facing.
Company name:
www.mtechtrans.comGreat value for money and utmost convenience and time saver. No time wasted at counters. Excellent customer service.
Company name: GALADO is made possible with the availability of online delivery platform like EasyParcel. This is the first ever courier portal that enables part time online seller like us to manage deliveries from anywhere. Online booking and door to door service is so convenient. So far we're very satisfied with EasyParcel and is waiting for international launch so we could expand our business across Malaysia.
Company name: Genoss Enterprise have been using EasyParcel around 3 months. Sofar I'm quite satisfied with the services provided by EasyParcel. This helps me to save time and to send out parcel to my customer on time.
Company name: Kpop Heaven support team are very friendly and patient. They always help to answer my questions and solve my problems. Besides, this company is continuously improving to provide better service to customers. This makes me have a high expectation on EasyParcel.
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